caring for your rug

Whether you bought a tiny rug for your mug, a mini rug for your desk/wall or a large rug you’re walking all over, here are some tips and info that will help you keep your rug looking its best.

cleaning your rug

You can clean your rug with warm soapy water. Using a mild detergent and a cloth, gently scrub the affected area or the whole rug if needed. Let air dry. DO NOT USE BLEACH


hanging your rug

You can easily hang your rug on the wall using small nails. You might need a hand to help hold the rug in place while you tack it to the wall in strategic locations to make the rug hang properly depending on the shape you’re working with. The nails won’t harm the rug and will also be hidden by the carpet fluff.


rug fluff/refresh

Depending on how you’re using your rug it might need a little refreshing after awhile. If it’s looking shaggy and some of the fibers are hanging out of place you can just snip the culprits with a pair of scissors. Your rug got a shave before it came to you so you can trim it up whenever you need to without hurting it, unless you’ve got a heavy hand. Start small and go easy and you can fix any strays.

If you walk all over your rug and its looking a little flat, use an old/extra hair brush with soft bristles and fluff it up. If its a large enough rug give it a run over with your vacuum and that will work too, just snip off any stray fibers and your rug should be looking great again.